Thursday, June 11, 2009

Place Hand on Heart - PLEASE

I am generally not one to promote telling others how to live their lives, or how to conduct themselves outside of a professional work environment. In that spirit I merely suggest the following: place your right hand over your heart, while standing, whenever you are a participant in an event where the Star Spangled Banner (or the Pledge of Allegiance mind you) is being repeated.

I know this is borderline mundane, but being the season of graduations and baseball I have noticed that this is becoming a relic of our culture. I urge you to do it out of reverence for all those that have gone before you to make this nation great. Set an example to those around you. Trust me, someone is looking around to see if others are actually covering their heart to not themselves be made a social outcast. You know what I'm talking about. That feeling that someone is watching and you don't want them thinking badly of you by making yourself seem different.

I confess: I've done it! I despise it to very the essence of my existance, but I've done it! It takes effort to do what one knows is right while throwing caution to the wind. This article is to remind you of what is right. If in your own heart you are comfortable making this the only way you show your patriotism, let it be known that it can make a difference in someone else’s life! Oh, and by the way it's the law.

From this site:

TITLE 36 > Subtitle I > Part A > CHAPTER 3 > § 301

§ 301. National Anthem

(a) Designation.— The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b) Conduct During Playing.— During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart;
(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(C) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; and
(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.

Albeit a short list in comparison, some laws are in place with purely good intentions at heart. Although fairly arbitrary, I find it interesting to note how important someone thought this issue was to enact it as law so long ago.

This country is special because of the men and women that have done and given so much for it. Please for a single moment think of them; and all that has been accomplished with our Declaration of Independence and Constitution so you can live under that Star Spangled Banner proudly displayed before you in the land of the free (that's here!) and the home of the brave (that's you!).

Spoiler alert: I must warn you that if in the event of my death you happen to attend my funeral you shall sing ALL four verses of this song.

In closing, a rare glimpse at the second verse of the National Anthem of these United States; The Star Spangled Banner:

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep.
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
Tis the Star-Spangled Banner! O long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

British Politician Admires America - Does Yours?

Today I found myself catching up on some shows on the DVR whilst working on some homework. Passively watching a number of programs, I was caught off guard by an interview on Hannity's TV commentary show as presented by the Fox network. The person being interviewed was Daniel Hannan. He is a member of the British Parliament that you can easily view on YouTube ranting on about the socialist style spending that his country is in the midst of. He has been crying out to his country that the socialism running rampant there has gone too far.

Back to the specific interview on Hannity. Daniel Hannan talks about a few things with Sean, and is careful about what he says due to criticisms he received from a previous appearance on the show for speaking out against socialized healthcare (available here). Hannity asks a leading question about health care, but Daniel deflects to a more simple topic. The Brit says quite a lot, most of which is directly quoted below. I'll let his words speak for themselves. Just keep in mind that this man has lived, in his own words, for ten years under a socialist style government. Also keep in mind that for some unknown, explicitly unspoken reason the leaders of the United States Federal Government under this administration are choosing to emulate the government that Daniel Hannan lives under currently.

The following words, as far as I interpreted them, were purely from the heart; not scripted. This, I believe, adds to the weight of his words.

May 19, 2009 from the Sean Hannity show on the Fox Network, Daniel Hannan said:
(Don't forget the British accent while reading! J ) Emphasis added.
... last time I was on this show I got into huge trouble with everyone attacking me for cautioning you against a British health care model. Look, eh, you guys are going to have to decide that. All I would say is this; your country is great and prosperous and free because government is constrained, and because the visionaries who wrote your Constitution who knew what they were doing when they drafted that document and who understood where unconstrained government leads because they fought against it. They created a system of checks and balances that would keep the state small, and the citizen big.

Now if you start going down this road towards a more European welfare model, a more European health care model, more public spending, more spending on education, being nicer in your foreign policy, all of those things, you make your country less American. You make it more like everywhere else, and that isn't going to make people like you any more. It's going to make them respect you less. The reason that your country is respected and honored in the world is precisely because it's been as your founders understood. It's been a city on a hill, it's shown us how, by adopting a model based on personal freedom and decentralization of power based on Jeffersonian democracy and dispersed decision making how you can make people prosperous and successful and strong. And the world owes you a debt because the vision of your Constitution didn't just keep you free. It inspired your fathers to take that freedom to other continents as well.

Hannity replies:
I wish most Americans understood American history as well as you do...

The interview ends with Daniel saying that everyone needs critics to keep them on their toes.

Daniel Hannan is a man who understands and admires what America stands for on its founding principles. He admires this country. Did you catch that in his opinion the rest of the world owes us for bringing the ideas and ideals of personal liberty to the forefront of thought for oppressed peoples all around the globe? I haven't seen that sentiment much from citizens of this country lately, or more importantly emulated from our elected officials.

This is a war of ideas, plain and simple. If you don't believe me, read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the further Amendments, and the words from Jefferson, Washington, Jackson, Paine, Adams, etc. Decide for yourself. Don't just listen to me or anyone else. One of the worst things that can be done to another person in my opinion is to covertly manipulate their thoughts and opinions towards that of your own, especially when you have something to gain from it. I challenge you to examine your thoughts and opinions to see if they are your own, or if they only mirror popular sentiment.

The way to examine ones opinions is for the individual to be a "skeptic" of the world around them. One cannot simply believe everything that is heard. Try it some day! Contradictions abound! This is because no one can completely remove themselves from their own opinion when communicating. This can be coupled with someone repeating things that were heard which happen to agree with their own views, but without critical thinking to decide whether it's actually valid or not. This behavior had it's place and time back when humans lived as hunters and gatherers using the spoken word eye to eye with one another as the sole means of passing information.

In today's age of constant information bombardment it's easy to not think about issues because they are being spewed by "reputable sources" in the media. EVEN PEOPLE IN MEDIA HAVE AN OPINION! Don't get me wrong, there are people in the media that I like and people that I don't like, BUT I AM SKEPTICAL OF EVERYTHING THAT ANYONE SAYS! I have not found a single person on this earth that I agree with 100% of the time. This is part of the beauty and wonderment of humans! Go with it! Being skeptical, I believe, and thinking critically to form opinions makes you become even more uniquely human!

Back to the issue at hand. I would argue that the more we stray away from the original intent of the founding documents and the forewarning words of those that helped write and institute the ideas contained therein, the more personal liberty we loose. This current federal administration is leading us down a path in the opposite direction of the founding principles and ideas. All I ask is that you don't take my word for it! Research and decide for yourself. I dare you. All I ask is that you keep in mind Daniel Hannan's words from "across the pond" where socialism abounds. He has a unique perspective that we as Americans do not have.

If you do sufficient research into the topic and decide that the principles that this nation was founded on don't agree with your personal philosophies, I ask that you keep in mind that airfare to Europe is very small investment to improve your quality of life when becoming a citizen of a multitude of socialized countries therein. I don't say this to offend you, but to give perspective. This country is special, unique, free. All I want is to keep it that way. I close words from Patrick Henry:

Gentlemen may cry, "Peace! Peace!" -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day TEA Party

Today in St. Paul, MN, and in cities all across these United States, there are TEA parties scheduled. What are they, and why are they happening? Although it has been more of an explanation after the fact in my opinion, TEA has been mentioned be an acronym for, "Taxed Enough Already." TEA party.

The historical roots of the name lies in the original Boston Tea Party in 1773. The following quotations are taken from According to the site, "Victory in the French and Indian War was costly for the British. At the war's conclusion in 1763, King George III and his government looked to taxing the American colonies as a way of recouping their war costs. They were also looking for ways to reestablish control over the colonial governments that had become increasingly independent while the Crown was distracted by the war."

"...The colonies refused to pay the levies required by the Townsend Acts claiming they had no obligation to pay taxes imposed by a Parliament in which they had no representation."

This is important to what is going on today. Taxation without representation is not explicitly prohibited in the Constitution of the United States. The phrase came into popularity during the time preceding the Boston Tea Party. What is in the Constitution (although adjusted by the 16th Amendment) is a requirement for an "apportioned" tax. This brings up another issue why people are supporting the rallies today. The arguable unconstitutionality of the 16th Amendment. Many people are not aware of this as a motive for organizing today. I would suggest that most people just feel like they are paying enough in taxes already.

As an example to the popular reason for the rallies, look at who actually pays for the governmental services that the income tax funds. This page of the National Tax Payers Union shows that the upper 50% of the people that filed their taxes (based on 2006 figures) pay 97.01% of the total tax budget. What?! The income tax system is a wealth redistribution system. According to those figures, almost no one in the bottom 50% of tax payers contribute any money towards government's spending addiction. But they still actually file and get a return. Wealth redistribution. I feel that this should be enough to motivate you to speak out and show some support for making adjustments to our tax system and the IRS.

Oh, by the way, before the 16th Amendment there was the "Pollock" case in the Supreme Court that ruled that a similar tax was unconstitutional. Some people believe that the 16th Amendment was never "officially" ratified. The entire 16th Amendment issue is obviously the subject of much scrutiny and debate.

Even if taxes aren't your "cup of tea" for issues to stand up for, we should stand together as Benjamin Franklin suggested with his, "Join or Die" campaign in which he argued that we need to stand together as a nation or we will fall. From Franklin's depiction of the snake divided came the Gadsden Flag, touting the, "Don't Tread On Me" motto. A variation of the Gadsden flag was waved during the American Revolution in Culpeper County, Virgina. In the spirit of the original intent of the founding of this great nation, I feel a strong link back to that time and those intentions depicted in what is called the Culpeper Minute Men Flag. Let's stand together as Americans and remind those in government that they are there because we voted for them, and they have limited power to represent us; not seek their own gain or agendas.

Liberty or Death!